Basic Elements of the Christian Life - Volume One

by Watchman Nee and Witness Lee

Set one, first book, 44 pages.

Free Christian book - Basic Elements of the Christian Life, Volume One Free Christian book - Basic Elements of the Christian Life, Volume One

Watchman Nee and Witness Lee introduce the Christian life and how you can practically live it. Chapter one starts with the meaning of your human life and continues with practical points that you can apply to your daily life. This book provides a firm foundation for a rich and meaningful Christian life.

  • Discover the meaning of your human life
  • Experience the assurance and security of your salvation - never doubt your salvation again!
  • Bombarded by guilty feelings and accusations from Satan? Realize the overcoming power of the precious blood of Christ!
  • Learn a very simple way to contact Christ and remain in His presence

Back Cover

"The Christian life is full of significance and meaning, yet many people do not understand the basic elements of this life as presented in God’s Word, the Bible. In Basic Elements of the Christian Life, Volume One, by Watchman Nee and Witness Lee, the Christian life is introduced and described. God’s plan of salvation is presented in the first chapter on the mystery of human life. The following chapters detail several basic experiences for a Christian. The final chapter presents the ultimate key to a believer’s Christian life - the experience of Christ in the human spirit. For those seeking God and for believers who desire to grow in Christ, these messages will establish a firm foundation for a rich and meaningful Christian life."

Table of Contents

  1. The Mystery of Human Life: Have you ever wondered what is the meaning of your human life? Or why you are here on this earth? Learn how you were created specifically and solely to receive God, and see how Christ came to earth to make the way for your salvation.
  2. The Assurance, Security, and Joy of Salvation: The assurance of salvation as a solid foundation is absolutely necessary to grow in the Christian life. In this chapter, you are given 3 points to affirm the assurance of your salvation, 8 items that prove the eternal nature of Christ's salvation, and 4 ways to maintain the enjoyment of your rich salvation.
  3. The Precious Blood of Christ: Did you know that it is possible for a Christian to come forward to God at any moment? This is only by the power of the precious blood of Christ. Whenever any sin, any accusation from the enemy, any guilt comes in, you can instantly confess and claim the Lord's prevailing blood. Through this confession, the fellowship between you and God is instantly restored! Don't waste any more time feeling uneasy, stuck in your past failures or separated from God. Learn to apply the ever-available blood of Christ moment by moment and day by day and experience its power to overcome every accusation of Satan.
  4. Calling on the Name of the Lord: In this chapter, we see a brief history through the Old and New Testament of believers calling on the name of the Lord. This was an early New Testament Christian practice and a key identifier of a Christian. In this chapter, you will realize the benefits of calling on the name of the Lord.
  5. The Key to Experiencing Christ: The Bible has phrases that say "walk in Him" (Col. 2:6), "to me, to live is Christ" (Phil. 1:21) and "Christ our life" (Col.3:4). What does this mean? After receiving the Lord Jesus Christ, how can you practically take Christ as your life and walk in Him? Whether you are going to the grocery store, sitting in class or brushing your teeth, it is possible to contact the Lord. This chapter unlocks the way to experience Christ in the midst of your normal, daily life.

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