How Can I Have Peace That Surpasses Understanding?

Many of us think that the only way to have peace is by trying to control our outward environment. However, we actually are the ones being controlled by our environment. We may hope for the outward environment to become peaceful, but instead, our life is full of constant endeavoring to find and maintain peace. On the other hand, the Bible reveals an entirely different way of living; it is this living that brings in a higher, deeper, lasting, and surpassing peace, regardless of our environment.
And the peace of God, which surpasses every man's understanding, will guard your hearts and your thoughts in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:7
First, we see something higher than merely the peace of man - the peace of God Himself is available to everyone! The peace that man can generate is limited, but God’s peace is unlimited, surpassing our understanding and feelings. While we are going through chaotic, stressful outward situations, we still can have an inner sense of peace through the peace of God. This peace is even able to guard our hearts and thoughts. We aren’t discouraged, worn out, or anxious when we have the peace of God.
Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Do not let your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. John 14:27
A Christian can be weak yet feel strong; he can feel pain yet have the sense of peace. He feels pain because he meets tribulation from without; he has the sense of peace because he meets the Lord and touches the Lord from within.
Knowledge of Life, pg. 55*
Second, we are told in the Bible how we can experience the peace of God. God does not give us peace as a thing, but instead He gives us a person – He gives Christ Himself as peace. We need to touch Christ within to receive peace. This experience of peace starts in our human spirit. God created man with a spirit, but through man’s fall, our spirit became dead and unable to function. We first need to have our spirit enlivened as a prerequisite to have the peace of God.
In verse 6 [of Romans 8], the apostle says, “To set the mind on the spirit is life and peace.” This means that the result of setting the mind on the spirit is not only life, but also peace. Therefore, life is the fruit of the Spirit, and peace is also fruit of the Spirit. When we touch the spirit, we touch life and we likewise touch peace.
Knowledge of Life, pg. 64*
Third, our mind is the leading part of our soul – so where our mind is set, our whole being will follow. If our mind is fully set on the outward events around us, then we cannot experience the peace of God. We will be dead within instead of being living and peaceful. We must learn to set our mind on our spirit and touch the Spirit within.
If we have gained enough of God within us and have experienced God and the life of God sufficiently, we will have enough peace within. This peace is not peace in the environment, but a condition of peace within.
Knowledge of Life, pg. 50-51*
Fourth, our experience of God, the life of God, and peace all go together. The experience of gaining God results in peace. This inner sense of peace is deeper than any peace that we can find through the outward environment.
If you are looking for the peace that surpasses your understanding and have not yet received the God of peace, with an open heart tell Him:
“Lord Jesus, I need You. Lord, I believe in You. Come into me! Give me Your life right now. Fill me with Your peace. Thank You, Lord, for being my life and real security. I love You, Lord.”
You may continue reading our next article on “Calling on the Name of the Lord to be Rescued from Trouble and Distress” to see a practical way to have peace.
*All quotes and verses Copyright © by Living Stream Ministry. Verses taken from "The New Testament Recovery Version Online" at