Christ Our Life

“When Christ our life is manifested, then you also will be manifested with Him in glory.” Col. 3:4
In Colossians 3:4 Paul uses the phrase “Christ our life”. Have you considered what it means for Christ to be your life?
Before we were saved we lived our life by our body and soul. Our living was led by our soul: using our mind to think and consider, our emotions to like or dislike, and our will to make decisions for ourselves. After being saved it is possible for us to live by another life which is Christ Himself. Now, we must learn to live all over again but this time by Christ as our life. Our life is now a person living in us.
Our need today is that we must turn to live in another direction—that is, from the soul to the spirit. Before we were saved, we were living by the human life in the soul. Since we have been saved, we must live by the divine life in the spirit.
Basic Elements of the Christian Life, Volume 1, by Witness Lee & Watchman Nee, Living Stream Ministry, Chapter 5, pg. 42
The secret for Christ to be your life is that you must turn to your spirit where you can contact Christ. This is the key! It isn’t about how we live our life, it is about what is the source of our living – is it our soul or spirit?
Our only consideration should be, “Am I in the spirit or in the soul? Am I doing this by myself or by the Lord?” When we use the expression by the Lord, we are not speaking of the Lord objectively but very subjectively. We are referring to Him as the life-giving Spirit mingled with our spirit. We must exercise our spirit at all times and in all places.
Basic Elements of the Christian Life, Volume 1, by Witness Lee & Watchman Nee, Living Stream Ministry, Chapter 5, pg. 43
You can read more about Christ being our Life in “The Key to Experiencing Christ - the Human Spirit” in Basic Elements of the Christian Life, Volume 1. Request Your Free Copy.