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"Kristīgās dzīves pamatelementi", pirmais sējums

How firm is your foundation?

This book will help you know God's plan for man. It opens up four key experiences that are essential for both new and experienced Christians, helping you to gain a solid base for a rich and meaningful Christian life.

"Kristīgās dzīves pamatelementi", otrais sējums

How can I deepen my relationship with God?

Spending time alone with the Lord each morning causes our relationship with God to be sweet and personal. This time will cause us to advance in our Christian life in a progressive and dynamic way. Discover how simple it can be to have these times with the Lord by reading this book.

"Visietverošais Kristus"

Do you seek an unlimited experience of Christ?

We first must see how unlimited Christ is before we can enter into the experience of this "All-Inclusive Christ". This book will help you to see and enter in. In this exposition of Deuteronomy, see how the wonderful picture of the Good Land of Canaan is a picture of who Christ is to His believers.

"Dieva namturība"

Why should God's eternal purpose matter to me?

The whole Bible describes God's eternal purpose and how He fulfills it. An astonishing fact is that God doesn't want to fulfill this plan by Himself. He decided to include man. As believers in Christ we are all part of God's plan. So, how do you participate in this plan? Read this book to see why we are key in His purpose.

„Kristīgas dzīves pamatelementi”, trešais sējums

„Kristīgas dzīves pamatelementi”, trešais sējums

Is there more than just living by right and wrong?

Society teaches us to conduct ourselves by the principle of right and wrong, but what does the Bible say about this? The Bible shows us a higher principle we can live by: the principle of life. God wants us to live by this principle for the accomplishing of God's eternal plan.

„Dzīvības ziņa”

„Dzīvības ziņa”

How do I grow in my Christian Life?

In order to grow in life, we must know what life is, where it comes from and how to obtain this life. The answers don't reside in the improvement of behavior, the mere increase in knowledge, or in gifts or power. Gain the understanding and leading for the growth in life.

“Godpilnā draudze”

“Godpilnā draudze”

Does God see the church differently than we do?

When we hear the word "church" we may not even realize our thought is full of human concepts. This book will renew your thoughts by showing you how God sees the church. The Bible shows us four outstanding figures that show us God's perspective concerning the church. Don't limit your understanding. We invite you to see the church in a glorious way.

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